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We are pleased to be able to help with the development of the nature area of Dee Point Primary School with a £500 grant.

This money will be used to buy resources needed to grow fresh produce, such as soil, seeds and tools. Pupils will be involved with the creation and ongoing maintenance of the garden which will give them a sense of ownership and access to outdoors and nature. The project will support healthy eating and wellbeing, which will positively impact not just the children, but also their families and their wider community.

With nearly 500 pupils, the primary school is larger than most and serves a community where social deprivation is significantly higher than the national average. Nearly half the school pupils are eligible for free school meals and over a third have Special Educational Needs.

This outdoor education should inspire children in nature, especially those who don’t have access to a garden at home.

The Chester Bluecoat Charity was pleased to be able to support Dee Point Primary as it is helping to support those experiencing deprivation and gives children the opportunity to raise their aspirations.